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Job Searching During COVID: 4 Tips to Ease Uncertainty

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a great deal of uncertainty and angst - affecting everything around us. This includes the job market.

Some companies implemented hiring freezes at the beginning of the pandemic, but the crisis also put lots of companies in positions to hire and expand their services to meet industry demands. I cannot tell you how many friends and professional contacts have found new career opportunities during the pandemic.

Regardless of what industry you are in, I’d like to share some tips to ease the uncertainty of job searching during COVID-19.

1. Update your resume

There’s a popular saying, “If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.” This is definitely the case for your resume and professional documents. If your resume is already polished and up-to-date, you’ll be ready to easily submit an application when the perfect opportunity presents itself. Use any free time you’ve found during this pandemic to add updates like promotions, expanded roles, or additional responsibilities. Not sure where to start? Reach out to Prime Communications Agency for a quick resume refresher or complete resume overhaul.

2. Brush up old skills or find new ones

Speaking of free time, what are you doing to make the most of it? It’s never a bad idea to add technical skills to your resume, such as Excel, Photo Editing, Video Editing, or really any software skills relevant to your particular industry. Linkedin Learning and YouTube have hundreds of thousands of FREE tutorials that can help you gain or improve skills in diverse topics and skill levels. Coursera is another free website that many have taken advantage of during the pandemic to enhance their career marketability. Setting a personal goal of 1 new skill a month (or whatever fits your schedule) can help you have a competitive edge in the job applicant pool.

3. Connect with others

During the pandemic, I’ve heard several friends and colleagues talk about how they’ve been in contact with people they haven’t talked to in months and years. Families are having regular Zoom game nights. Friends are doing virtual happy hours, and affinity groups are finding creative ways to connect while meeting in person isn’t possible. Because virtual meetings are becoming more commonly accepted, you may want to reach out to a professional contact (or two or three) that you haven’t talked to in a while to let them know you’re looking for new career opportunities. Two heads are better than one and 4 eyes can see so many more opportunities than two. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when looking for a job.

4. Practice Interviewing

The chance of having a face-to-face interview during the pandemic is slim. Because we know companies are doing a lot of virtual recruiting, it’s safe to say the interview will probably be virtual as well. Don’t get caught slipping if an employer asks you to do an interview over Zoom or Skype. Identify a quiet space in advance, be up-to-date on video conferencing software, and fully dress the part. That means wear an entire professional outfit from head to toe, not just from the waist up, to boost your online presence and confidence. Prime Communications Agency can also help you improve your interviewing skills and provide mock interview scenarios if you find yourself completely lost on where to start.

Job searching during COVID-19 isn’t as frightening as the pandemic itself. With proactive planning and research, you can be on your way to the next steps in your career path in no time. If you want to stay ahead of the game, follow Prime Communications Agency on Facebook and Instagram for more blog posts and suggestions on standing out as a prospective job candidate.


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